How you can donate and help OUR Church
We’re so thankful for the generosity of those who give to New Wine Church Tain as this provides us with the resources to carry out our ministry and work in our communities.
Our tithes and offering is taken up during our Sunday service by coming forward to give into the offering basket. If New Wine Church is your home, we would love you to consider sowing into the church. If you are visiting us do not feel under any pressure to give, we just hope you enjoy our company and meet with Jesus.
If you would like to help us fulfil the vision God has committed to us by sowing into the ministry of New Wine Church, then you can now do so securely via Bank Transfer.
Account: New Wine Church Tain
Account Number: 06003826
Sort code: 80-06-36
Registered Charity SC035127
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10